Monday, October 18

There's an app for that

Just the other night, I was laying there thinking how cool it would be if there was an app for the iPhone that gave the gas prices of all the gas stations around.  That way, we wouldn't have to drive around comparing the prices.  So I went to the app store and what do ya know! There's an app for that.  Literally, there is an app for everything! 
Imagine trying to come up with some new little application that could create a little more simplicity in someone's life.  Or thinking up the next new game that will be on millions of phones.  It's a little mindblowing.  Sometimes I just try to think of little things that could possible be an app or I think of random words.  Never has Apple failed to have an app for everything that I think of.  And not just one, but many options to choose from.  I'm sure that there are tons of people out there whose job is to think of new little activities and make applications.  I'm sure that it is a lot harder now though compared to when iPhones first came out.  Attempting to come up with an idea that no one has thought of yet, finding something that is interesting enough for people to download and useful enough for people to use has got to be one of the more straining on your brain.  But it also has to be really cool to see that people are interested in your idea and able to benefit from it.  What isn't there an app for?

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