Tuesday, October 26

Laugh a Little

Comedians:  they can talk about the most controversial topics and it is still acceptable.  They can go on stage with a mic, curse and bash on people, races, and countries and what do we do?  We laugh.  We think it is hilarious because, honestly, they are saying what we're thinking; they just have the balls to open their mouths to the world.  Most of the things that comedians seem to joke about are extremely inappropriate, but the worse the jokes are, the more we enjoy them.  Dane Cook uses the f-bomb every couple words and he's now rich and famous because of it.  Recently, I've been watching Tosh.O and loving it.  All he does for 30 minutes is make fun of YouTube videos.  He even brings people to Hollywood and includes them in his show if he finds their video especially hilarious.  Below is part of Daniel Tosh's stand-up.  (I would recommend watching his entire show - so funny.)  I am a victim just like the rest of us.  I find his cursing and direct mentioning of controversial topics extremely amusing.  It may be bad to laugh, but we all do it.  Maybe it's just a way to lighten up humanity.  Why be so serious all the time?


One of the coolest things I've seen/participated in: a flash mob.  If you don't know what this is, it's when, in a large crowded place, people randomly start dancing.  As the dance progresses, more and more people gradually join in.  You never know if the person standing next to you is another bystander like you or a part of the madness.
This past weekend, during the Boulevard, Meadows put on one of these flash mobs.  We met one time during the week to learn the dance and prayed it would all work out.  In my opinion it was a success!  People all around were extremely surprised and shocked at how such a large crowd had learned the dance.  It is a fun way to get people involved.  Just being a part of something makes you feel special and needed.  Especially when it's something as cool and secretive as a flash mob.  Smiles and cheers broke out everywhere during this dance.  It was a positive, fun way to be involved.
I admit, sometimes I wish that our lives were like a musical where everyone randomly breaks out in perfect song and dance.  Wouldn't that be something if everyone was so connected that group songs and dances just happened?  We would be so close, we would know exactly what the other is thinking and about to sing (kind of like when you finish your best friend's sentence - you just know).  No wonder people love musicals.  It's a positive connection between others that is indescribably awesome.

Monday, October 25

Rihanna eats chips?

We always see this: companies using celebrity endorsements to sell their products.  Companies wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work so well.  Of course if Rihanna likes Doritos as shown in this video above, I'm going to like Doritos a little more.  If any celebrity claims to use a product, people are going to be more attracted to that item.  Almost everyone fantasizes about being rich and famous.  And if eating Doritos makes me that much closer, then there's no stopping me!  But if you really think about most of the celebrities in ads, the fact is that they probably don't use the product at all.  There's no way Rihanna has a body like she does and sits around eating tons of Doritos.  And all of the famous women that promote cheap make-up brands obviously aren't using those brands when they get their faces professionally done up before the red carpet.  So why do companies use celebrities?  Because it works.

Wednesday, October 20

Pandora Love


Pandora is such a wonderful thing.  Basically any artist that is fairly known is included on their site.  Whatever mood you are in, you can always make a new radio mix of the perfect genre.  And best of all: IT'S FREE!  But for how long?  Tons of other sites aren't able to continue because they generate no income.  Pandora, like other sites such as Hulu, use advertisements to keep running.  Advertisers pay them to include their ads and all users have to suffer is to watch/listen to a few 30 second ad.  Not a bad price for hours of free radio - and not just radio, but artists that I choose.  It's a beautiful thing.  I even have the app for my phone because I just can't get enough.  I have exercise stations, study stations, chillin-at-work stations, party stations; there's a station for everything.  The day that Pandora either requires payment or goes out all together (or gets bought out by iTunes), will be a sad, sad day for all.  Life without free internet radio is not much of a life at all.  I can't get the full satisfaction from all that artists have to offer if I am forced to pay $1.29 a song.  So I really hope that day is far in the future.  College would be near impossible to pass without it.  Dear Pandora, if you can hear me, just know that I love you.

Monday, October 18

There's an app for that

Just the other night, I was laying there thinking how cool it would be if there was an app for the iPhone that gave the gas prices of all the gas stations around.  That way, we wouldn't have to drive around comparing the prices.  So I went to the app store and what do ya know! There's an app for that.  Literally, there is an app for everything! 
Imagine trying to come up with some new little application that could create a little more simplicity in someone's life.  Or thinking up the next new game that will be on millions of phones.  It's a little mindblowing.  Sometimes I just try to think of little things that could possible be an app or I think of random words.  Never has Apple failed to have an app for everything that I think of.  And not just one, but many options to choose from.  I'm sure that there are tons of people out there whose job is to think of new little activities and make applications.  I'm sure that it is a lot harder now though compared to when iPhones first came out.  Attempting to come up with an idea that no one has thought of yet, finding something that is interesting enough for people to download and useful enough for people to use has got to be one of the more straining on your brain.  But it also has to be really cool to see that people are interested in your idea and able to benefit from it.  What isn't there an app for?

Friday, October 15


One of my classes this semester is an honors literature course.  It has been the most challenging course this year for me, but I have gained so much in just a few short months.  We have read some of the best classic books including Dracula, Frankenstein, and Wuthering Heights.  In my opinion, everyone should read the classics.  It isn't just a way to better your vocabulary and reading ability, it helps you understand humanity and the history of our civilization.  I've never been a fan of history, but as recent as the past year I have found that it is one of the most important subjects.  Without it, we are at a loss on how to understand the workings of people's minds and governments.  Reading these books gives you a perspective on what life used to be like a couple hundred years ago.  They give you insight on governments, class structures, gender differences, new technology, etc.  Topics such as these should be interesting to us because we are going through the same issues, just at a much advanced level.  History repeats itself and we need to be prepared.

Thursday, October 7

Feelin Country

When someone asks you what kind of music you listen to, what do you say?  Most of the time, it seems that people respond with an "oh I listen to a little bit of everything."  But if you ask a country fan, they declare their love loud and proud, even if they listen to other genres.  I'm one of those country fans.  Love me some guitar-pickin' twang!  I'm from a bit of a smaller town and didn't think it was too hick until I came to Dallas.  I thought that I'd be overwhelmed with accents, cowboy hats, and wranglers.  This is not the case.  My town is so much more "country" than a city in Texas.  I was prepared to find the boy with the biggest belt buckle and most cattle, but I know more FFA kids at home.  But that's Dallas for ya.  I won't be attending too many bonfires out by the creek or ever have a chance to go giggin' (unless it's for some purple horned frogs!).  There are advantages to living in a small town, but now that I've experienced a big city with a skyline and 4 lane highways, I don't think I'll ever leave.  The opportunities are endless here.  If I stayed at home, I'd still be working at a minimum wage job and probably lose all my ambition to be anyone.  I'd never end up leaving!  The only thing I really miss is that good, country, hometown feel (and of course my mom and dad!).  Now Dallas just needs to get a few more country radio stations...

5 Dollar Footlong

Oh, Subway.  They're doing it again: ANY regular sub at 5 dollars.  Those poor, poor Subway employees.  The sales go crazy when all the subs are 5 dollars, not just the regular eight.  I would know because I worked at Subway for about 2 years.  Oh yes, I can make a mean sandwich, loaded up with "the works" and close it without anything falling out in under a minute.  Did you know that there is a Subway sandwich making contest?  It's called Sub Jammer and you have to make a sandwich with the correct amount of ingredients, close it, and wrap it as fast as you can.  It gets pretty intense!  Anyway, Subway was my second home this last summer and I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I heard this jingle.  Customers think it is hilarious to sing that they want a 5 dollar footlong.  Like I haven't heard that before.  It isn't the fact that it's a terrible little jingle, it's just that as soon as you hear it, it will be stuck in your head for hours!  Subway has done a great job of playing this repeatedly so everyone who lives in this country has heard it and can sing it.  Congratulations Subway, you have made one annoying, catchy song.

I'm a mouse, duh!

Halloween: the time for tricks and treats, thrills and chills.  It'll be here before we know it.  As a child, it was one of my favorite holidays.  What can be better than dressing up, staying up late, and eating candy?  Now that I'm older though, Halloween has drastically changed.  No more free candy and no more innocent, nerdy costumes.  I used to love the nerdy costumes too.  I'm such a nerd that one year I was even Princess Leia from Star Wars!  Since I'm in college, it seems like the only thing a girl is allowed to be is something slutty or else she will be thought of as a prude or just a loser.  Just like Mean Girls says: "Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it."  They can wear lingerie and a headband with ears and BOOM! ya got a costume.  Mean Girls' dumbest plastic, Karen, shows up wearing just that and thinks it's obvious: "I'm a mouse, duh."  Why has it come to this?  It's so very difficult to find a decent costume that doesn't expose your world.  Girl costumes have to either be skin tight or show LOTS of skin.  Plus, by the end of October, it gets to be pretty nippy out.  We used to come up with costumes that a winter sweatsuit could be worn under if needed.  Can't wear one of those in a tini bikini.  I would like to see some changes in society where girls aren't influenced to dress like prostitutes.  It kills me to see elementary girls wearing more revealing clothing than I would ever think to put on.  So thanks Halloween, for promoting sluttiness and sex.

Party Like It's The End Of The World

As I was driving the other day I heard a song on the radio that caught my attention.  The artist was singing about how the world was going to end in 2012 so we should "party like it's the end of the world."  It made me smile and think about how people were convinced that the end of the world would come with the new millennium and we should "party like it's 1999."  Even though there is more of a reason to think that the world will end in 2012 because of the Mayan calendar, there isn't much worry about it given that it is a little over a year away.  I feel like people overreacted with the turning of the millennium, thinking that either the world would end or that all technology would crash.  Now, some people are overreacting and basing the fate of Earth on some indigenous natives hundreds of years ago.  Then, I get to thinking about how partying probably isn't the right reaction to the end of the world.  Shouldn't we instead be spending time with our loved ones and setting things right with God?  If you're busy partying when the world ends, that seems a little selfish.  Just some food for thought.  Anyway, the idea taken from Prince is fun and nicer to sing about then the normal gangstas in the club gettin monay.  Compare the two:

Extreme Baby Carrots

Everyone knows that promoting healthy food is tough.  The commercials for fruits and veggies were always the lamest, barely better than lawyers like the Hammer.  Making a commercial that is entertaining, funny, and even a bit ridiculous always gains attention, no matter the product.  This one just so happens to be veggies.  Now, I don't like carrots, but I do like this commercial.  It's hilarious!  Having a crazed woman with a carrot-shooting machine gun hitting a man riding a turbo-jet charged shopping cart while yelling, "Baby Carrots" is so random and funny.  I think because I am still young, I love the action and extreme sport feel.  Also, the country seems to be trying to go on a big health-kick.  All products are low-this, low-that, no trans-fat, no sodium, etc.  America finally sees that children are so morbidly obese that they might not outlive their parents.  The country is fat...extremely fat.  It's time for some extreme health changes.  Hopefully spots that are entertaining and promoting to a younger generation will encourage kids to eat veggies like they eat junk food.  A change needs to happen now.

Wednesday, October 6

I like it on...


If you're somebody, you've seen it.  About a week ago Facebook started to get bombarded with women changing their statuses to where they like it.  But what is it?  These sexually-hinting updates had many fathers flabbergasted, brothers dropping their mouths, and all men quite excited.  Sorry boys, it's not what you think.  Now get your minds out of the gutter!  In honor of breast cancer awareness month, women have been changing their statuses to where they like to put their purses when they get home.  Mass messages were forwarded among women to encourage participation and get breast cancer (and something else) on everyone's mind.  Even my mother took part in this, which thoroughly shocked some of her not-so-avid Facebook friends.  This complete domination of ta-ta awareness is not new.  Last year, women changed their statuses to the color of their bra.  In my opinion, that was much more successful and relevant, even making headline news.  But getting the word out about breast cancer is important and what better place than Facebook?  This once a year invasion of Facebook is genious and shocking to those out of the loop.  I can't think of a better place to get the word out to thousands in a fun, creative, and personal way.

Wake up with the King

Really, Burger King?  As if the commercial with the creepiest mascot standing outside your window in the morning wasn't enough, now you can literally wake up to a big king face every morning.    Who wouldn't want to sleep with the King?  Personally, seeing him on TV every once in a while is enough for me.  The ultimate creepster.  Last year one of my friends wanted to be him for Halloween and I immediately insisted against it.  I can't take much more of that smiling, plastic, larger-than-life mask.
But if you take a step back and think about what this...eh em...unique mascot has done for BK, it tends to grow on you.  Before the King, BK was just another greasy burger place.  McDonalds ran the fast food world.  Now, McDonalds may still be the dominant factor, but Burger King has lessened that gap.  They updated their face, gave themselves a real mascot, and updated their menu.  It's like a whole new restaurant.  This pillowcase promotion is a little weird and creepy, but just imagaine what a great gag gift it makes.

Tuesday, October 5

Study Buddies?

A test is coming up.  Scratch that, three tests are coming up.  All on the same day.  You feel like you have no time to prepare.  Every moment you try to study, you end up passing out no matter where you are - desk, couch, floor, library...  What do you do?
For a lot of college students that answer would be artificial energy.  Whether it be coffee, redbull, 5 hour energy, or drugs, students are leaning on these stimulants more and more.  I'm included in this too!  I can't get through a long night of studying without my starbucks double shot espresso or a redbull...or maybe both.  These energy supplements cannot be good for our bodies no matter what they say.  Commercials for 5 hour energy try to make their product sound healthy.  Taken from 5hourenergy.com, their shot has "zero sugar, zero herbal stimulants, only 4 calories, and B-vitamins and amino acids."  But then, if you read the fine print, and you really have to look for it, they say to "limit caffeine products to avoid nervousness, sleeplessness and occasional rapid heartbeat."  Rapid heartbeat?  That sounds awfully dangerous.  And I don't need to mention the danger of taking drugs.  Although many students use adderall - the "study drug" - there can be many side effects.  Adderall is a powerful stimulant and has a risk of sudden death, stroke, and heart attack.  Is cramming for a test really this important.  Why not just take the good ol' natural way and try to keep a healthy diet, exercise, and (try to) get enough sleep.  Don't ruin your body over studying.

Sunday, October 3

Uncommonly Smooth

Justin Timberlake is now a director?  Our favorite curly haired, boy band singing hottie is going behind the camera to launch his new 901 silver tequila.  Can he do it?  So far his transition from teen heartthrob N*SYNC lead to smooth, sexy singing on his own to acting has worked out quite well.  Why shouldn't this too?  Supposedly, the people helping him to direct his spots about his new drink have praised his skills.  JT isn't just another dumb, rich celebrity player; he's a smart, sophisticated singer, actor, and now director.  I'm not surprised to see that his focus is sex and class.  Even the tagline of the tequila is "uncommonly smooth."  That describes JT perfectly.  Another idol from my generation, making an even bigger name for himself.  One thing people won't be saying about Justin Timberlake: Bye, bye, bye...

This is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!


As said in class: "Number one way to gain customers: have a two way conversation with them."  Two way conversations can be anything including feedback from customers.  I found this fun way for a company to not just get feedback from their customers, but let their customers take a part in their product.  They had a competition where people could design banana stickers.  Those winners will have their stickers displayed all over the place.  That is much more than a two way conversation, that's a company letting their customers make up the company's image.  To be honest, I don't know banana brands - sort of like milk brands.  Companies with those types of products find it tough to break out and make a name for themselves.  Bananas are bananas.  But Chiquita has pushed forward a little bit by letting people custom make their stickers.  They'll need a lot more to really make a difference though.  This is just one cute and smart way to make a name for yourself.


I saw this article and thought it was the coolest thing ever!  Integrating regular print advertising with new technology like the iPhone is genius!  If I came across this in a magazine, I would definitely try it out.  It strikes up curiosity and makes the user feel included.  Sure, it is only for some insurance company, but this is unique and new.  Other companies will probably jump at the opportunity to get their customers involved in ads like this.



What?! Another planet capable of supporting life?  Aliens?
I think this is a very interesting topic - article could have been done a little better - but it is still exciting.  This planet, Gliese 581g, is three to four times the size of Earth and is tidally locked, as in one side of the planet is always facing the sun.  They mentioned that if Gliese 581g was in our solar system, it would be in the "habitable zone" meaning it can support life.  But it's sun is a red dwarf, which means it is less than half the size of our sun, puts out much less heat, and radiates infrared light instead of UV light.  So is it possible that a planet, orbiting a red dwarf star and that has one side fixed facing the sun, could support life?
Supposedly researchers say so.  They think that the areas on the sides of the planet that are not in perpetual sunlight or darkness could.  Will we ever know?  Will it be possible to one day send a satellite to this Gliese 581 solar system and become aliens ourselves?  In another 100 years, who knows what we could have accomplished in technology.  Man didn't walk on the moon until 1969 and we're already finding habitable planets lightyears away.  This is an exciting step towards finding a little more about the incredibly huge universe we live in!

Glee + Britney = Love

Calling all GLEEks! If you didn't watch last weeks episode...well...go watch it now.  Because our now beloved characters performed the ultimate: Britney Spears.  The idol of my generation.  Britney can be a hot mess and the world will still love her.  Even though the show didn't really progress with the storyline, the episode was quite possibly one of their best.  The ditsy cheerleader, Britney, finally got a solo and rocked!  The combination of her voice, her dance moves, her body, and the fact that she could be Britney Spears's twin, made this episode AHHmazing!
But one thing did bother me.  Out of all the wonderful Britney songs out there, they choose "I'm a slave for you" to be cheerleader Britney's solo.  True, she looked hot and most likely skyrocketed the number of male viewers.  But that was one of the dirtiest, most provocative songs! This show has taken on a family feel and I think they should have picked a not-so-scandalous song.
Other than that, I loved it!! I love Glee, I love Britney, and I LOVED that episode! Finally a show that is just genuinely good.  It just makes you smile :) They include everything: classic, pop, rock, rap, you name it!  They have gorgeous girls and cute guys that can all sing incredibly.  But most of all, they have Sue.