Sunday, October 3


What?! Another planet capable of supporting life?  Aliens?
I think this is a very interesting topic - article could have been done a little better - but it is still exciting.  This planet, Gliese 581g, is three to four times the size of Earth and is tidally locked, as in one side of the planet is always facing the sun.  They mentioned that if Gliese 581g was in our solar system, it would be in the "habitable zone" meaning it can support life.  But it's sun is a red dwarf, which means it is less than half the size of our sun, puts out much less heat, and radiates infrared light instead of UV light.  So is it possible that a planet, orbiting a red dwarf star and that has one side fixed facing the sun, could support life?
Supposedly researchers say so.  They think that the areas on the sides of the planet that are not in perpetual sunlight or darkness could.  Will we ever know?  Will it be possible to one day send a satellite to this Gliese 581 solar system and become aliens ourselves?  In another 100 years, who knows what we could have accomplished in technology.  Man didn't walk on the moon until 1969 and we're already finding habitable planets lightyears away.  This is an exciting step towards finding a little more about the incredibly huge universe we live in!

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