Monday, April 25

Posting and Tweeting and Updating, Oh My

Hello there again my one follower aka my dad.  It's been a while since I posted on here.  I figured that since the Creative App is due at the end of this week, I might as well post a few more blogs just in case they check it out.  Recently, I've entered the world of Twitter.  I've started to catch on with all the little sayings and word-twitter combinations.  For example, my roommates boyfriend always says, "twooping".  I won't tell you what it means; not too appropriate.  Anyway, Twitter is starting to become a new addiction of mine.  Even when I'm just walking to class, I think of catchy little things I could post.  Social Media has definitely taken over my life.  First Facebook and now Twitter - my phone is always in my hand.  I haven't decided if always being "plugged in" is a bad thing or not.  When I think about all the connections and contacts, Social Media sounds like the best thing invented.  But when I look at my younger sister who seems to be losing her personality and ability to talk face-to-face, I am afraid of what is happening to the world.  Personal communication is still very important.  A person cannot be fully represented or completely express themselves over typed words.  Facial expressions and a voice are essential in conversation.  There isn't even a sarcastic font (which would really help me out at times...).  The point of this rambling is that Social Media is there and as long as we use it properly, it's one of the best communication devices.
Good to be back typing out all that comes to my mind.  Maybe I'll keep this up for a while...

Thursday, December 2

Google Updated

Here's a follow-up article about the earlier article on NY Times.  The blog is titled "SCAM".
Great job Google with getting on the ball.  They announced an updated algorithm 3 days after an article ran about a man breaking their system.  They had to have started work as soon as that story ran.  Then, they ran a follow-up in the same media showing that they fixed the problem.  How did no one think about the problem of negative publicity making someone's site higher up on their search engine when Google is probably chalk full of brilliant minds?  Or maybe they just thought that no one could break such a dominating system.  People shouldn't abuse a free resource like Google when we are lucky enough to have it at our fingertips.  But I am happy to hear that Google fixed the problem immediately.  If something like the first article would have lasted a while and gained more publicity, Google could have some seriously angry customers.  They nipped it in the bud!  This new,improved Google will be a great benefit to most all users.

Wednesday, December 1

SMU Traditions

There are a few things at SMU that a lot of students feel they must accomplish before graduating.  I am among this spirited, peruna-loving crowd.  The "traditions" are normally passed on to the incoming freshman who have to come up with sneaky new ways to deceive the police.  The two main traditions that I have come across are:
1.  You must "fountain-jump" in at least one of the schools 563 colorfully-lighted fountains.
2.  You must have a picture taken of you riding one of the three, bronze horse statues.
Luckily for me, I can check off the first important action.  My friend and I ran to one of the fountains, submerged ourselves in the freezing water, took a few pictures, and ran away totally undetected.  It was a success.
Who came up with these strange rituals?  And how did they become so popular?  It's not like there is anything to gain by performing them.  The only award is the proof of the pictures and the satisfaction that you have in a way been initiated to a higher inner level at your university.  School spirit and pride is important; you gotta love where you go.  These couple traditions influence that spirit.  Only one thing left for me to do now: scale those monstrous mustangs and snap that pic.

The Ugliest Shoe

Running barefoot has never looked uglier or more uncomfortable.  Toe socks are extremely uncomfortable so I can't imagine how irritating these must feel.  This shoe from Vibram is supposed to be the revolutionary - best - running - shoe ever.  And scientific studies are there to back it up.  When we run with regular tennis shoes, we tend to run heel, ball, toe.  The shoes are designed with thick soles on the heel for this very reason.  But when we run barefoot, we run toe, ball, heel.  This style of running gives less of an impact on our legs and knees.  Plus, watch sprinters.  When they run, their heels never once touch the ground.  Maybe this is the new thing that will revolutionize running and shoes.  I just wish that it could be a little more attractive. 

Definition: Hot Mess

Supposedly, this hot mess aka Kesha will be coming to big D this coming April.  Yes, I admit I am quite excited to see someone with such fame make their way to my small campus.  And I'll admit that her songs are very catchy and I may or may not play them all the time.  But Kesha just baffles me.  How can this trashy, nose-ring wearing, glitter-infatuated, drug abusing drunk ass can get so famous while singing about partying?  And she's so famous that her music is played all over the radios, giving young children the chance to hear these terrible messages.  It's hard to keep children's minds clean when these songs become so overplayed that parents don't even think twice before letting their kids listen.  Kids really pic up on lyrics too.  They seem to be able to hear a song once and can sing every word.  That is what worries me the most about songs like this.  I realize that there is and has been some very riskaay artists, but as of now, Kesha fits that definition.

Tuesday, November 30

Hand Love

How adorable is this?  Something that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  I really hope this does get to the lucky lady.  No more love letters or home-made tape mixes, the thing to do is make a Youtube video.  I even had a friend proposed to via Youtube.  He made a video and at the very end popped the question.  Does this mean that the world is becoming so entirely consumed by media that we are losing our personal touch?  I don't think so.  It is merely just another way to express ourselves.  And what better way to share a love video to someone far away?  I enjoy all the things that make you say "aww" and this was one of them!

Scenic Interstate Stores...

On my 7 hour drive home this past week I was yet again disgusting by something.  Every time I drive through the darling state of Missouri I am bombarded by these awful, revolting stores.  What am I referring to?  Adult Super Stores.  Why is it that every 10 miles through the state does there need to be another bright, red and yellow sign hanging over some dingy, run-down shed without any windows?  I am truly appalled at the number and hope to God that it isn't like this elsewhere, even though I bet it is.  Can there really be a need that great to keep these businesses running?  I can't imagine that people actually stop while traveling through (because people just go through Missouri, they don't actually want to stop and stay a while - hence the nickname: Misery).  This is a serious problem that needs to be taken care of before it gets even more out of hand.  There is an over-abundance of XXX and Pleasure Zone shops.  Crappy hick towns get enough of a terrible rep without these "stores" darkening their doorway - or entrance to the interstate.  In my opinion, state representatives should want their roadways to be scenic and enticing to travelers, not overrun by shitty garages that look as though a murder took place inside.  I know that I am not the only one bothered by these adult super-disgusting-stores.  Will the day ever come that they are banned?