Monday, October 25

Rihanna eats chips?

We always see this: companies using celebrity endorsements to sell their products.  Companies wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work so well.  Of course if Rihanna likes Doritos as shown in this video above, I'm going to like Doritos a little more.  If any celebrity claims to use a product, people are going to be more attracted to that item.  Almost everyone fantasizes about being rich and famous.  And if eating Doritos makes me that much closer, then there's no stopping me!  But if you really think about most of the celebrities in ads, the fact is that they probably don't use the product at all.  There's no way Rihanna has a body like she does and sits around eating tons of Doritos.  And all of the famous women that promote cheap make-up brands obviously aren't using those brands when they get their faces professionally done up before the red carpet.  So why do companies use celebrities?  Because it works.

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