Wednesday, November 10

What would you do?

If you are driving along an empty road at night in the middle of nowhere and came to a stop light, would you stop and wait for the light to change?  When no one is around to catch you, do you follow the rules of the road or any rules for that matter?  Personally, I know that I still do.  I don't know if it is because I have been taught to always follow rules no matter what or because my luck doesn't always back me up if I do something wrong, but I feel that even though no one is watching, it is still breaking an enforced law.  My guilty conscience would nag at me for weeks.  Just because I don't get caught doesn't mean it is ok to do something.  It is the same concept as telling a murderer that it's ok if you kill someone as long as you don't get caught.  Rules are in place for a reason.  So, what would you do?

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