Tuesday, November 30

Scenic Interstate Stores...

On my 7 hour drive home this past week I was yet again disgusting by something.  Every time I drive through the darling state of Missouri I am bombarded by these awful, revolting stores.  What am I referring to?  Adult Super Stores.  Why is it that every 10 miles through the state does there need to be another bright, red and yellow sign hanging over some dingy, run-down shed without any windows?  I am truly appalled at the number and hope to God that it isn't like this elsewhere, even though I bet it is.  Can there really be a need that great to keep these businesses running?  I can't imagine that people actually stop while traveling through (because people just go through Missouri, they don't actually want to stop and stay a while - hence the nickname: Misery).  This is a serious problem that needs to be taken care of before it gets even more out of hand.  There is an over-abundance of XXX and Pleasure Zone shops.  Crappy hick towns get enough of a terrible rep without these "stores" darkening their doorway - or entrance to the interstate.  In my opinion, state representatives should want their roadways to be scenic and enticing to travelers, not overrun by shitty garages that look as though a murder took place inside.  I know that I am not the only one bothered by these adult super-disgusting-stores.  Will the day ever come that they are banned?

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