Hello there again my one follower aka my dad. It's been a while since I posted on here. I figured that since the Creative App is due at the end of this week, I might as well post a few more blogs just in case they check it out. Recently, I've entered the world of Twitter. I've started to catch on with all the little sayings and word-twitter combinations. For example, my roommates boyfriend always says, "twooping". I won't tell you what it means; not too appropriate. Anyway, Twitter is starting to become a new addiction of mine. Even when I'm just walking to class, I think of catchy little things I could post. Social Media has definitely taken over my life. First Facebook and now Twitter - my phone is always in my hand. I haven't decided if always being "plugged in" is a bad thing or not. When I think about all the connections and contacts, Social Media sounds like the best thing invented. But when I look at my younger sister who seems to be losing her personality and ability to talk face-to-face, I am afraid of what is happening to the world. Personal communication is still very important. A person cannot be fully represented or completely express themselves over typed words. Facial expressions and a voice are essential in conversation. There isn't even a sarcastic font (which would really help me out at times...). The point of this rambling is that Social Media is there and as long as we use it properly, it's one of the best communication devices.
Good to be back typing out all that comes to my mind. Maybe I'll keep this up for a while...